Are you a used car dealer and have been looking for ways to boost your business? For boosting a business you will have to increase its presence online and market it effectively and if you have then thinking of boosting the business DealerX auto dealer marketing solution is definitely the best bet for you. This auto dealer marketing solution is also known as Tognetti’s automotive dealer marketing solution since Tognetti current holds the position of strategist with the boutique firm of DealerX.

As far as the popularity and efficacy of DealerX is concerned you need to know that when Volkswagen USA wanted to create an online portal for selling more than 60,000 used cars then DealerX was the solution that they banked on. Volkswagen came to DealerX because it understands all the unique methods which will help you to properly market pre-owned cars, that also for high conversion rate. You also need to understand the used cars are unique and the sale of used vehicles essentially depend on three important things; namely scarcity, price and payment.

One of the biggest benefits of DealerX is it has pre-owned digital strategy which leverages paid search which is text based, banner ads which are dynamically re-targeted along with ad and video placements which are data driven. These ads and videos are placed in millions of websites where your target buyers are in real time and this boosts your business like nothing else. The text based ads of DealerX which can be seen on Facebook, Google and Bing lay emphasis on repetitive certified and used vehicles that are present on your inventory. So, as you can understand, DealerX will boost your business like nothing else. Continue to reading

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    Digital marketing expert Jeff Tognetti has experience in sales and software development that dates back to the 1990s. After restarting his business career over ten years ago, Tognetti founded two boutique digital firms – MediaRevo and the automobile focused DealerX – and began working out of Edgewater, NJ. Today, Tognetti focuses specifically on auto dealers as clients. Tognetti is also responsible for the development of digital marketing tools such as WPDLR. His success has allowed him to become a generous giver to multiple charities: Tognetti is a generous contributor to multiple local and national charities.


    December 2013

